Hey! Finally, I have an access to internet again! Wohooo… 😛 For those of you who have no clue… I’m currently in New Zealand; travelling and having fun! I decided not to bring my laptop with me — yes, I’m trying to live without a computer for a while. Apologies for not writing any new posting! 😀 I was gonna write the continuation of my previous post before I left Australia for New Zealand, but then something really really bad happened which made me stop to write.

Anyway, New Zealand is sooooo amazing, beautiful, fresh, awesome,…. seriously I can’t describe it here! It’s just soooo great! I’m loving every single moment here! I’ll send postcards for some of my friends to show them how beautiful this country is. I’m now in a small town called Queenstown. I’ll go skiing tomorrow! Wohoo.. so excited! I met so many new people… ah, it’s just amazing. More stories will be posted here after I go back to Australia. I’ll be back on the 15th of July!

P.S. I took sooo many pictures!!! Here’s one of them:

Lake Tekapo

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