UQ Graduation Day

Two weeks ago I completed my last exam ever at UQ. What an awesome day, I thought. I visited IT building (GP South building 78) for the last time. This is the place where I spent most of my frustrating days to finish assignments and projects. The only place besides home where I could spend sleepless nights to meet the project deadlines. This building and its computer labs were surrounded by a lot of memories. My favourite lab was 109; it had a great UQ Lake view which somehow refreshed my mind and eyes after sitting in front of the computer for so long. I liked lab 116 too, but often got annoyed at a group of people who always sat in the same spot every single day, never stopped talking, and always swore. And there was a small zone equipped with a microwave and vending machines where we usually eat. It was also the place where I would give my brain a short break after countless amount of attempts to solve the bugs of my precious codes. I will miss building 78, for sure.

I waited patiently for my results to come out. I thought for a while, what if I would not graduate this year? Embarrassing was the right word to describe it. I had a farewell dinner a week before exams even started. It was a risky decision; I had no choice. I would not have been able to say goodbye to my friends had I not done so. Most of them left Australia right after they finished exams. Time was limited, so early farewell was the only option. A week after exams finished, the graduation confirmation email finally arrived. I was very happy and excited that right after I received the email, I ordered a graduation/academic dress instantly. I couldn’t wait to go back to Brisbane to attend my graduation day.

Mom & IChris & I
Mayu & IMika, Riza, Chris, and I

Alhamdulillah, the day I had been waiting for finally arrived. My graduation was held on the morning of 3 December. My mom and I arrived at 8 am at UQ to take my academic dress. We then went for free breakfast held by School of ITEE. Afterwards, we finally made our way to UQ Centre where the graduation ceremony would take place. I register myself, took tickets for my guests, and waited at the lecture theatre where all graduands would be briefed about the ceremony. We then entered the hall at 11 am and seated in front of the stage. The ceremony itself was held for only 1.5 hours for all graduands from EPSA Faculty (except School of Engineering whose ceremony was held at 2 pm on the same day). It was not too long and not too short either. I discovered that out of 60-ish graduands who received Bachelor of Information Technology awards, only 5 of them were women. Very impressive, huh? 😛

at the Great Court with my momwith our lecturerThrowing the Trenchers

After the ceremony, I reunited with my mom and friends and took a lot of pictures. It’s so sad that my dad could not attend my graduation ceremony because of Hajj. I decided to purchase a DVD of the recorded ceremony so that my dad, sis, and bro can watch it later.

Three days after the ceremony, I still can’t believe myself that I already graduated; that I received my degree; that my undergraduate studies concluded. I looked at my certificate reminding myself that I am now a proud IT graduate. Though I still have a loooong way to go, I can now sit back and relax. Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah SWT. for always listening to my prayers and answering them. To my family who always provides me with endless supports. To my friends who never fail to make me laugh during rough times. To my housemates who never bored to listen to my problems and countless complaints and try as much as possible to ignore me whenever they see me with “bad mood face” (muka kusut :P) due to programming symptoms LOL.

This is a remarkable phase of my life. A great accomplishment. I still have dreams to reach. I can’t wait for what the future will bring me. I can’t wait for another exciting challenge. Let me breathe first… I want to take a break 🙂 . What I have done is now more important than what I will do 😀 .


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11 Responses

  • Ich

    Mellll… herzlichen Glückwunsch zum erfolgreichen Studienabschluss!!!

    aduhhhh maaf nih Mel aku lamaaaa banget gak balas emailnya, udah berapa bulan ya… duuh… *ich fühle mich ganz schuldig*

    ehrlich gesagt, kenne ich mich mit den genauen Bestimmungen für ausländische Studenten in Deutschland überhaupt nicht aus… maklum aku sebagai “inlender” gak pernah berurusan nih ama Amt2 itu…

    kennst du www.kaskus.us? da gibt es auch ein Unterforum für indonesische Studenten in Deutschland, mit Informationen zu allem möglichen, und natürlich kann man auch Fragen stellen, die dann von Leuten, die schon Erfahrung damit haben, beantwortet werden…

    liebe Grüße… 🙂

  • senaz

    mel..itu lulusan IT yg pake jilbab 3 org ya?..trus mereka indo smua?..hebat2..

  • Ameeeeeeeeel…

    akhirnya kembali juga ke blogging world. No need to apologize for ur desapearance mel. Blogging atau nggak itu hak lo. cuman memang yang udah biasa baca blog lo jadi kangen aja. tapi seriously, u shouldnt write karena orang lain. u should do it from the heart.

    Selamat ya amel, udah sarjana..keren banget euy, IT!!!
    Tinggal si Goz neh yang belom..
    Hayo Goz…semangat!!!

  • hi…
    happy 4 graduate..nice blog…

  • hello ammelia,when you go back in indonesia?

  • debukaki

    amel, selamat ya? u did it!!

    pertanyaanku idem ama Iwan: kapan?? padahal aku dah beli gitar, dua. 🙂

  • Wow Amel, again congrats ya. Have seen the pictures via your facebook. You look so happy, of course 🙂
    You deserve it!

  • Selamat dah diwisuda!
    Basbang? yah maap,.. jarang mampir ke sini hehehe…

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