Wang Kelian: The Border Crossing to Thailand

This article is part 2 of 6 in the series Thailand Cycle Touring

In order to cross to Thailand, there are two border crossings that one can take. The largest (thus busiest) is the Padang Besar border, which is within a close approximate with the Thai city of Hat Yai. But for this trip, we decided to cross via the road less travelled, Wang Kelian/Wang Prachan border.

With Foogie’s mountain bike at the back of the car, we set off our journey at 9 AM. My folding bike, helmets, bag panniers, and all other essentials were loaded inside the small-yet-compact Viva car. We drove all the way from hazy KL to the northern part of Perlis state, stopping only in Penang for a quick lunch at around 2 PM. As soon as we reached the state of Perlis at around 4 PM, we were amazed by the beautiful blue sky – it was the first time to see that ever since KL was blanketed with Sumatran haze a month ago! It was also my first time at Perlis, the smallest state of Malaysia which borders Thailand.


I liked this state, though! The sceneries were surprisingly varied for such a small area; from rubber plantations, paddy fields, ostrich farm (yep, no kidding!), national park, mountains, to limestone hills. Before reaching Wang Kelian, we had to pass a long stretch of a very steep hill at Kaki Bukit. I couldn’t imagine cycling here! We actually planned to cycle all the way from Penang – I was glad we didn’t do it in the end! Probably I would have turned back if I did.


We reached the border at 5.30 AM, just 30 minutes before the closing time for the Thai border. We filled up the necessary departure card and vehicle form. Within less than 15 minutes, we are on the other side of the border! It was very quick and hassle-free! The border officials didn’t even ask for the guarantee letter for the car (which we brought, just in case!). No queue, no jam! It was smooth sailing 🙂

I don’t understand why people would go to the Padang Besar border that is chaotic and full of gigantic trucks. Wang Kelian-Wang Prachan border is better and I would recommend anyone to go there instead!

Border Opening Hours

  • Wang Kelian (Malaysian side): 8 AM – 7 PM
  • Wang Prachan (Thai side): 5 AM – 6 PM

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